Indonesian to English
truk sampah dust-cart
truk sampah
please wait
by Xamux Translate
sampahrubbish, trash

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Mari saya tunjukkan armada truk sampah
Let me get you the fleet of our waste collection trucks.
saya mendengar suara truk sampah di jalan,
I heard the growl of a sanitation truck on the street,
bisa mendengar suara truk sampah
can hear the garbage truck
dan linmas dan truk sampah
and one garbage truck
dari truk sampah gerobak motor
of dump trucks motor carts
hanya tersedia unit truk sampah
only operate dump trucks
itu menggunakan tiga truk sampah
by using three garbage truck
kini menyediakan truk sampah dan
has prepared dump trucks and
kita hampir tertabrak truk sampah
a dump truck
mcclane mengatakan ada truk sampah
mclane says there are dumptrucks
membantah truk truk sampah tersebut
denied about the garbage trucks
mendengar suara mobil truk sampah
hear the garbage truck
menegaskan truk truk sampah yang
confirmed the garbage trucks that
mengatakan ada truk sampah menuju
says there are dumptrucks headed
menggunakan sebanyak unit truk sampah
by dump trucks
menyediakan truk sampah dan personil
prepared dump trucks and personnel
pompa stasioner truk truk sampah
stationary pump truck trash truck
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