tuang | pour |
tuang | |||
tuang gunting | link lever |
tuang-tuang | k.o. bamboo horn. |
tuangan | 1 s.t. poured or cast. 2 a mold used in casting. |
tuangku | tuangku |
cast, decant, pour |
ContohJadi resepnya sederhana: Anda ambil larutan sutra itu, Anda tuang, So the recipe is simple: you take the silk solution, you pour it,
yang terbuat dari besi tuang. made of cast iron.
Tapi terbuat dari besi tuang. It was made of cast iron.
Mari kita tuang. Ini dia. Put that in there. There we go.
tuang dari botol mahal. pour it from an expensive bottle.
lalu kita tuang tinta hijau ini di tengahnya and we're going to pour this green-tinted water inside the middle,