tukas | 1. (M) 1) false accusation, aspersion. 2) say accusingly. 2. 1) say in rejection (of earlier discourse). 2) respond. 3. k.o. rattan. |
tukas | |||
tukasan | false accusation, slander. |
constrained, said |
beijing pada juli mendatang tukasnya beijing on july he said
itu perampokan tukas salah satu it is robbery one
jadi terhambat tukas hamdi husein be constrained he
kau sudah berjanji tukasnya keberatan you promised he objected
perampokan tukas salah satu dari robbery one of
tak bisa membaca pikiranku tukasku could not read my mind
untuk warga yang datang tukasnya to the visitors she explained
warga yang bersimpati tukas suroto a resident who sympathized