Indonesian to English
turun ke down through
turun ke
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by Xamux Translate
turundescend, decrease, decline
keprep towards, prep to [{showing direction} ].

Related Word(s)

descended, down, go, turun, visit


Jadi, roket itu mengukur atmosfer saat turun ke permukaannya
But anyway, the probe took measurements of the atmosphere on the way down,
Saya turun ke lubang es ini, melalui lubang yang telah Anda lihat,
I dropped down in this ice hole, just through that hole that you just saw,
turun ke jalan, semua pertanyaan sosial, moral, dan etikal
coming down the road, all these associated
Begitu tiba di sana, kami langsung turun ke jalan,
When we got there, we just went in the street,
Tapi harganya turun ke 140 dolar dari 500 dolar.
But the price went to 140 dollars from 500.
Kami membujuknya untuk turun ke 190.
We negotiated it down to 190.
Jadi, saya turun ke ruang peralatan saya,
So, I went down to my shop,
dan virus tersebut turun ke tingkat yang cukup rendah
and then it bumps along at quite low levels
ketika mereka satu per satu turun ke bawah,
as one after the other they came downstairs,
bahkan cahaya dari langit-langit turun ke sini ke penerima.
even light from the ceiling comes down here to the receiver.
sehingga kalian dapat turun ke sungai
that you could literally reach into the stream
-- seorang ahli Feng Shui mengirim lelaki-lelaki turun ke dunia kematian menggunakan kuda-kuda hantu.
-- a Feng Shui master sent men down to the underworld on ghost horses.
dan mereka turun ke jalanan
and they took to the streets
Jadi saya turun ke lobi, dan saya melihat orang India ini.
So I went down to the lobby, and I saw this Indian guy.
atau bisa juga mengirimkan kita turun ke lorong gelap.
or it can send us down a blind alley.
turun ke jalan-jalan kota Berlin dan berkata,
went out on the streets of Berlin and said,
Para calon kembali turun ke jalan, berkampanye.
The candidates were back on the road; they were campaigning.
Tetapi sekali Netizen tidak bisa online, mereka turun ke jalan.
But once Netizens can't go online, they go in the street.
Cara yang satu lagi ialah dengan turun ke bawah
The other primary way is we go down
Cahaya akan tertarik turun ke dalam lubang
Light would be dragged down the hole
Namun saat Anda turun ke dasar lautan
But when you get down to the bottom of the ocean,
Tinker Bell akan turun ke bumi.
Tinker Bell is going to come fluttering down.
dan turun ke jalan besar di Pacific Coast.
and down on the Pacific Coast Highway.
bagaimana mereka turun ke bawah sana
how they went down here
Turun ke sini -- Cina masuk ke dalam kotak Dunia Barat di sini.
It got down there -- China comes into the Western box here.
dan untuk membawa mereka turun ke sudut ini
and to get them down in the corner
Para jurnalis turun ke jalan berdemo mempertahankan hukum perlindungan.
And journalists are in the street rallying to improve the shield laws.
ke dimana capai untuk edukasi, turun ke 1,3.
where we've reached for education, down to 1.3.
Jadi sekarang turun ke 0,8.
So that brings us down to 0.8.
dan mendorong kami untuk turun ke jalan-jalan.
and empowered us to go down to the streets.
Rakyat yang terinspirasi untuk turun ke jalan-jalan
People who were inspired to go down to the streets
untuk turun ke jalan-jalan
to go down to the streets
Orang tua mereka sebenarnya turun ke jalan-jalan
Parents actually went to the streets
kami ingin turun ke dalam komputer Anda,
we want to go down into your computer,
kami ingin turun ke dalam pesawat televisi Anda, ke dalam mesin permainan Anda,
we want to go down into your television set, down into your game machine,
ketika mereka turun ke karang.
as they go down to the reef.
Kemudian ketika Anda bergerak turun ke bawah,
Then as you go further down at the bottom,
Awalnya ayahnya harus turun ke ruang bawah tanah
And his father used to go down into the basement
Mari kita mengajak orang untuk turun ke jalan,
Let's get people to go in the street,
kita bisa saja turun ke jalan-jalan.
we can just go in the streets.
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