unggas | |||
unggas liar | wild fowl |
avian, bird, birds, farm, fowl, fowls, neighbor, owner, personnel, pets, poultries, poultry, poultrys |
ContohMereka mencari alternatif untuk lemak unggas. They were looking for an alternative to schmaltz.
Unggas berdatangan dari Anglia Timur dan seterusnya, ke daerah timur laut. Poultry was coming in from East Anglia and so on, to the northeast.
Oleh karena itulah mereka disebut Poultry (unggas). which is why it's called Poultry.
seperti "gulungan jaring di kandang unggas." chickenwire rolled up.
yang dapat menginfeksi kumpulan ternak unggas, that would infect the poultry flocks,
dengan melihat pembentukan embrio pada unggas by looking at the embryo genesis of birds
Dia tertarik pada bagaimana unggas kehilangan ekor mereka. and he's interested in how birds actually lost their tail.
Sebenarnya unggas punya Birds have basically