Indonesian to English
uni older sister
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  1. aliansi
    (bon, federasi, gabungan, koalisi, konfederasi, liga, pakta, perhimpunan, persekutuan, perserikatan, uni, afiliasi, asosiasi, hubungan, koneksi, pertalian)
  2. asosiasi
  3. bon
  4. federasi
  5. ikatan
  6. koalisi
  7. konfederasi
  8. liga
  9. perhimpunan
  10. persatuan
  11. persekutuan
  12. perserikatan
uniformstandardized, a uniform
unit barangstock keeping unit
unit baturockfill
unit berimbangbalanced unit
unit dalam prosesunit still in process
unit defisitdeficit unit
unit ekologikalecological unit
unit eksperimentalexperimental unit
unit elektromagnetikelectromagnetic unit
unit elektrostatikelectrostatic unit
unit fungsionalfunctional unit
unit gawat daruratintensive care unit
unit geososialgeosocial unit
unit khususspecialized unit
unit mesin acac machine unit

Related Word(s)

baishakhi, the, union


Kita mengirim ekonom ke Uni Soviet
We sent economists in the Soviet Union
dan beberapa negara bekas Uni Soviet,
and a number of the former Soviet states,
18 tahun bagi Uni Soviet.
18 years for the Soviets.
Komisi Uni Eropa dan penyumbang besar lainnya
The European Commission and other major donors
Negara kami mendapatkan keuntungan dari solidaritas Uni Eropa.
We were a country that was benefiting from the solidarity of the European Union.
Ketika Irlandia pertama bergabung dengan Uni Eropa tahun 1973,
Indeed, when Ireland first joined the European Union in 1973,
adalah Uni Soviet,
is the Soviet Union,
dia tidak lagi memerintah Uni Soviet,
he no longer ruled the Soviet Union,
Jika Anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang Cina dan Uni Soviet
If you know nothing about China and the Soviet Union
dinas rahasia dari satu negara anggota Uni Eropa
is that an E.U. country's intelligence agency
dari negara anggota Uni Eropa lainnya dengan sengaja,
of a telecom of a fellow E.U. country on purpose,
mereka membaca lalu-lintas email di Markas Besar PBB dan Parlemen Uni Eropa,
to read email traffic inside the United Nations Headquarters and E.U. Parliament,
di dalam Parlemen Uni Eropa, bukan?
from inside the E.U. Parliament, right?
dan Konvensi Uni Eropa tentang Hak Asasi Manusia dan Kebebasan Mendasar
and the E.U. conventions on human rights and fundamental freedoms
sewaktu jaman Uni Soviet.
[during the] time of [the] Soviet Union.
Komisi Uni Eropa mengeluarkan himbauan.
the E.U. Commission tabled a directive.
bahwa penerapan himbauan Uni Eropa
that the implementation of this E.U. directive
Uni Eropa ETS adalah pasar utamanya.
The European Union ETS is the main marketplace.
bahwa Uni Eropa dapat menawarkan kepada Bosnia
that the European Union could offer Bosnia
Di Uni Eropa mereka mengambil jalan yang berbeda
In the European Union, they went in the other direction.
pergi ke Uni Eropa dan mendaftarkannya sebagai rancangan baru yang asli.
go to the E.U. and register it as a new, original design.
seperti di negara Uni Eropa,
within the E.U.,
Kebisingan seperti ini, menurut Uni Eropa,
Noise like this, according to the European Union,
Lima puluh tahun lalu di Uni Soviet,
Fifty years ago in the old Soviet Union,
di Uni Eropa,
than in the European Union,
Uni Eropa
The European Union
Uni Eropa memperkerjakan staf permanen
The European Union employs a permanent staff
Kosmonot Uni Soviet, Yuri Gagarin.
Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Uni Emirat Arab, Abu Dhabi.
United Emirates, Abu Dhabi.
Saya duduk dengan relasi dari Uni Eropa.
I'm sitting with my counterparts in the European Union.
untuk membuat kasus agar direspon oleh Uni Eropa,
to make the case for a united European response,
Lalu beberapa dasawarsa setelah pemerintahan Uni Soviet,
So when a couple decades into Soviet rule,
bersekolah di zaman Uni Soviet
were schooled under the Soviets
Ketika dia menjamu semua menteri pertanian dari Uni Eropa
And when she got all the Ministers of Agriculture of the E.U.
Persatuan Uni Eropa, anggota NATO,
European allies, NATO members,
setelah Uni Soviet meluncurkan Sputnik,
after the Soviets put up Sputnik,
dan, pada tahap tertentu, kepala Uni Eropa.
and, at a certain stage, head of the European Union.
untuk mengekspor bahan pokok, bebas bea, ke pasar Uni Eropa.
to export goods, duty-free, to the European Union market.
gula ke pasar Uni Eropa.
of sugar to the European Union market.
mempunyai quota untuk mengekspor daging sapi, bebas bea, ke pasar Uni Eropa.
have quotas to export beef duty-free to the European Union market.
Atau lagi, runtuhnya Uni Soviet yang terjadi
Or again, the collapse of the Soviet Union took place
saat kekuatan Uni Soviet mencapai puncaknya.
when the Soviet Union was at its greatest power.
saat Uni Soviet punya posisi kuat, bahwa mereka akan terkubur
when the Soviet Union was going strong, that it would be swept away
di sebagian besar bekas negara-negara Uni Soviet.
in much of the former Soviet Union.
Delegasi Uni Eropa di Kabul
The European Union delegation in Kabul
Dan inilah kita, tidak hanya terakhir di Uni Eropa,
And there we are, not just last in the E.U.,
Persepsi terendah di Uni Eropa
The lowest perception in the E.U.
mulai membuat surat kabar di negara-negara bekas Uni Soviet.
started to set newspapers in the former Soviet Bloc.
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