Indonesian to English
w /we/ w. the 23d letter of the alphabet.
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w.(waktu) time (zone).
w.i.bwestern indonesia standard time
waadtreaty, contract
waadatsee "waad"
wabakdahu/wabakdu/ (Lit.) furthermore, then.
wacanaword, expression, discourse
wadagbody, bodily
wadahcontainer, coordinating institution, umbrella organization
wadah pembawa arangcoal scuttle
wadah saringancolander
wadaltransvestite homosexual, transexual
wadamtransvestite homosexual, transsexual
wadasstony ground
wadatcelibacy, live a celibate life
wadduh(Java) see ADUH.
wadersmall freshwater fish
wadiwadi, a stream in desert

Related Word(s)

account, aforetime, d, david, sl, touch, tribes, wealden, wei


Wanita # 3: Atau "M" dan "W". Pria: "M" dan "W", tepat sekali.
Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly.
Yang kedua dan terakhir, W.H. Auden,
And secondly and lastly, W.H. Auden,
Artinya semua W merujuk pada W, dan bagaimana mereka saling melekat.
So those Ws there refer to the Ws, and how they stick together.
tampak luar biasa. George W. Bush berdiri di sana
seemed to be extraordinary. George W. Bush stood up
abad ini berarti bahwa selama
century this means that over
abad tersebut para ilmuwan menerima
the century scientists had embraced
abadi atau melanjutkan dalam waktu
enduring or continuing in time
abadi atau tahunan rawa atau
perennial or annual bog or
abadi basah atau rawa rawa
perennial of damp or marshy
abadi bedstraw amerika utara dan
perennial bedstraw north america and
abadi bellflower eropa dengan racemose
perennial european bellflower with racemose
abadi berdaun wol dengan bercabang
woolly leafy perennial with branched
abadi bunga ungu mallow liar
perennial purple flowered wild mallow
abadi dengan awal musim semi
perennial with early spring
abadi dengan awns kurang atau
perennial with awns lacking or
abadi dengan daun tampaknya whorled
perennial with apparently whorled leaves
abadi herbal atau pendaki spiderworts
perennial herbs or climbers spiderworts
abadi kuat wangi dengan serrate
perennial strong scented with serrate
abadi menyolok dari rawa dari
showy perennial of marshlands of
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