Indonesian to English
warni see WARNA.
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dengan pakaian sutra berwarna-warni.
wearing these beautiful silk colors.
Jadi semua garis warna warni itu
So all of those colored lines
Kereta prototype penuh dengan kertas warna-warni
The prototyping carts, filled with colored paper
Dr. P selalu memakai dasi kupu-kupu yang berwarna-warni
And Dr. P always wore really colorful bow ties
sekaya dan sewarna-warni satchel yang saya jual.
as rich and colorful as the satchels that I sell.
dan kolam-kolam kecil dari cat air berwarna-warni
structures of channels and tiny little ponds
mungkin di perusahaan dgn ruangan yang dicat warna warni
maybe special rooms in companies painted funny colors,
Karakter yang berwarna-warni, dan semuanya bergembira.
Colorful characters, and a good time is had by all.
sangat tertarik dengan kemasan yang berwarna warni
are attracted by colorful packaging
tetapi di dalam pikiran saya mereka berwarna - warni.
but in my mind they have colors.
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