wortel | carriot |
wortel | |||
wortel dan tongkat | carrot and stick |
wortel parsnip | parsnip |
carrot, carrots |
ContohAnda tidak melihat benih wortel sama seperti Anda melihat beruang panda, You don't look in the eyes of a carrot seed quite in the way you do a panda bear,
tapi benih wortel itu keragaman yang penting. but it's very important diversity.
Setiap kali Anda memilih wortel dibandingkan biskuit, Every time you have a carrot instead of a cookie,
anak-anak di Bronx selatan membutuhkan apel dan wortel the reality is -- kids in the South Bronx need apples and carrots
diminta untuk meminum banyak jus wortel was asked to drink a lot of carrot juice
diberikan sereal yang dicampur dengan jus wortel were offered cereal mixed with carrot juice,
Bayi yang berasal dari ibu yang minum jus wortel The offspring of the carrot juice drinking women
memakan sereal dengan rasa wortel lebih banyak, ate more carrot-flavored cereal,
Institusi hanya punya dua alat: wortel (hadiah) dan tongkat (hukuman). Institutions only have two tools: carrots and sticks.
tidak hanya memilih makan wortel dan minum susu, not just be more likely to eat carrots and drink milk,
tetapi mendapat kepuasan dari makan wortel dan minum susu -- but to get more pleasure from eating carrots and drinking milk --
"Jatuhkan wortel. Jatuhkan tongkat, Berilah makna." "Drop carrot. Drop stick. Bring meaning."
Terima kasih Tuhan Omar tahu bahwa wortel berasal dari tanah, Thank God Omar knows that carrots come from the ground,
tongkat dan wortel. "sticks" and "carrots."