English to Indonesian
ripping bagus, baik
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by Xamux Translate
ripping chiselpahat-cukil
ripping upmenandai
ripping-panelpintu darurat
adjective satellite
resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree
menyerupai suara merobek kekerasan sebagai sesuatu yang dirobek-robek atau membelah pohon petir
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

me rip, merobek, rip, robekan


Many of you will realize that I'm ripping a bit off of the science fiction writer
Anda mungkin tahu saya mencontek pemikiran penulis fiksi ilmiah
You can't help but actually ripping that spider web apart.
Anda akan menyobek jaring laba-laba itu.
without the fear of him ripping your face off.
tanpa harus takut ia akan melukai wajah Anda.
was the ripping one, so they would grab hold and they would rip,
adalah menarik dengan cepat, mereka memegang, lalu menariknya secepat mungkin,
I hated that moment of ripping with incredible intensity.
saya membenci saat-saat merobek dengan intensitas seperti ini.
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