are there | adakah |
are there | |||
Example(s)Are there men around that table? Apakah ada guru laki-laki disitu?
Are there moms who've raised boys around that table? Apakah disitu ada ibu guru yang mempunyai anak laki-laki?
And these same feelings are there for all of us as we face the world. Perasaan-perasaan inilah yang muncul setiap saat kita berhadapan dengan realita.
We are there to take pride Kami di sana untuk menyatakan kebanggaan
We are there to inspire, to provoke, Kami ada untuk menginspirasi, mendorong,
And the cod are there Ikan kod ada di sana
are there more than a couple of thousand. ada lebih dari beberapa ribu.
But we can then ask: Are there any absolute differences Namun kita dapat bertanya: Apakah ada perbedaan mutlak
that the tools are there, bahwa alatnya ada di sana
But at any rate, they are there. Tetapi baiklah warna-warna itu tetap di situ.
But why are there so many orphans in Europe Lalu mengapa ada begitu banyak panti asuhan di Eropa
Are there recurring patterns that we can learn from, Adakah pola-pola yang berulang yang dapat kita pelajari,
There are all these physics geeks who are there thinking, Banyak para kutu buku fisika yang berfikir,
are there at the cafeteria table sedang berada disana di meja kafetaria
are there things that lastingly change those lives? apakah ada hal yang bisa mengubah hidup mereka cukup lama?
Are there universal laws? Apakah ada aturan yang universal?
Are there concrete things we can do to reduce stress, Apakah ada hal konkret yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mengurangi stres,
Why are there women and men? Mengapa ada pria dan wanita?
because knowing how many fish are there is really critical. karena mengetahui seberapa banyak ikan di sana sangatlah penting.
It knows that you are there. Miselium tahu anda ada di sana.
We know why these scripts are there. Kita tahu kenapa naskah kurikulum ini ada.
They commit to the people who are there. Menjaga amanah orang-orang dalam suku.
Are there any other rays of light that could make it into the eye? Apakah ada cahaya lain yang dapat masuk ke dalam mata pengamat?
and general human resources are there. dan sumber daya manusia umum ada di sana.
like cities and genetics, and say, well, are there any talks seperti kota-kota dan genetika, dan berkata, Nah, Apakah ada pembicaraan
the first step would actually be to know that they are there. hal paling pertama adalah mengetahui bahwa mereka sebenarnya ada di sana.
Are there some rules we can develop for changing rules? Apakah ada aturan yang bisa dikembangkan untuk mengubah peraturan?
we are there for them. They are not alone for this. kami ada di sana untuk mereka, mereka tidak sendirian.
The whole resources are there available for you. semua sumber dayanya ada di sana, tersedia untuk Anda.
and are there to just show them to you and talk about them dan menunjukkan dan membicarakannya dengan Anda
are there creatures? apakah ada makhluk hidup?
Are there other creatures in the multiverse, Adakah makhluk lain di dalam alam semesta yang begitu banyak itu,
So many people are there. Ada banyak sekali orang di sana.
CA: But are there risks with that, CA: Tapi semua ini kan ada dampaknya,
How many digits are there in your number? Berapa digit yang ada di angka anda?
they might replace some birds that are there mereka bisa menggantikan burung yang ada
biologically are there implications in the world of rejuvenation? secara biologi adakah dampaknya terhadap dunia peremajaan?
As long as these devices are there, Selama ranjau darat itu ada di sana,
if the institutions are there jika ada lembaga
and I ask people, "Why are there mountains here, on this area here, saya bertanya kepada orang-orang, "Mengapa ada pegunungan di daerah ini?
Are there good news? Of course, there are good news. There are lots of good news. Apakah ada kabar gembira? Tentu saja, ada kabar gembira. Ada banyak kabar gembira.
they let people know that they are there, mereka memberitahu warga sekitar siapa mereka,
they are there and they are free -- Disana ada vaksinasi, dan gratis.
How many are there in the human genome? Three billion. Ada berapa banyak basa di dalam genom manusia? Tiga miliar.
We can do it. The technical solutions are there. Kita bisa melakukan ini; solusi-solusi teknisnya sudah ada.
How many Ramanujans are there in India today Ada berapa banyak Ramanujan di India sekarang
Are there any general conclusions that arise? Apa ada kesimpulan umum yang muncul?
these Americans who are there. orang Amerika yang ada di sana.
and which houses are there, dan rumah-rumah yang ada disana,
are there at these 10 daycare centers?" diantara ke-10 panti penitipan anak ini ?"