English to Indonesian
at which di mana
at which
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And then, as they got to the age at which many people
Selanjutnya, ketika mereka beranjak ke usia yang lanjut seperti banyak orang,
to figure out the points at which
untuk menentukan titik dimana
and the points at which it's farthest away.
dan titik dimana satelit tersebut berada jauh.
And the rate at which the Arctic Sea ice is going away is a lot quicker than models.
Dan laju menghilangnya es di Laut Arktik sebenarnya jauh lebih cepat daripada modelnya.
with the PH at which they have different charges.
dengan pH di mana mereka punya muatan berbeda.
At which point you start to wonder who the trick's really played on.
Sampai di situ saya jadi bingung siapa yang menjebak siapa ini.
set out to measure the rate at which
mencoba mengukur laju
the speed at which it is propagating is shifting.
kecepatan penyebarannya berubah.
That is the scale at which
Itulah tingkatan di mana
And at this rate at which we are losing fish,
Dan dengan laju penurunan produksi ikan seperti ini,
This was the economic level at which Sweden was.
Ini adalah tingkat perekonomian yang dimiliki Swedia.
You with me? This point over here, the point at which
Anda mengerti? Maksudnya adalah
at which three strains are going to prevail the next year,
jenis-jenis mana yang akan tetap bertahan tahun berikutnya,
at which my graduate adviser said,
pembimbing saya mengatakan,
at which metabolism lays down this damage.
metabolisme yang menyebabkan kerusakan ini.
simply by looking at which of the blue LEDs lights up.
hanya dengan melihat LED biru mana yang menyala.
was that Facebook was looking at which links I clicked on,
adalah bahwa Facebook melihat tautan mana yang saya klik,
have much shorter fuses. At the rate at which we're going now,
meledak jauh lebih cepat. Dengan laju yang kita miliki sekarang,
In fact, 65 decibels is the very level at which this big survey
Sebenarnya, menurut survei tentang kebisingan dan kesehatan
but the speed at which I went
tapi cepatnya perubahan
at which he moved on those pad marks
saat dia bergerak mengikuti jejak kaki itu
is the speed at which we're taking all our resources.
kecepatan kita menambang seluruh sumber daya yang kita miliki.
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