Indonesian to English
di mana at which
di mana2about on
di mana2all over
di mana
please wait
by Xamux Translate
diin, at, on
manawhere, which

Related Word(s)

everywhere, whence, where, whereby, wherein, wheresoever, wherever, which


di mana orang-orang menonton video
where we had people watch a video
di mana reporter dan produsernya ikut serta.
And they had the reporters and their producers participate.
di mana saya pergi ke dataran tinggi --
where I went up to the highlands --
Dan saya berkata, "Di mana-mana di dunia,
And I said, "Everywhere else in the world,
keberadannya yang di mana-mana dan tujuannya yang jelas
their ubiquity and their apparent purpose
di mana mereka dengan nyaman tertanam.
in which they're comfortably embedded.
dari jaringan di mana kita berada
of the networks in which we're residing
di mana ada serigala yang menyedihkan ini,
where there's this pathetic coyote
ada suatu kejadian di mana sang serigala mengejar roadrunner
there's a moment where the coyote is chasing the roadrunner
di mana itu bukan masalah, karena dia adalah burung yang bisa terbang.
which is fine -- he's a bird, he can fly.
sampai tepat suatu saat di mana dia melihat ke bawah
right up until the moment that he looks down
di mana kita semua bisa melihat langit malam yang sama
which is why we can all look up at the same night sky
Saya membayangkannya di mana saja saya berada.
I just imagined it everywhere,"
di mana hal ini telah terjadi.
which has happened.
mengurangi rehabilitasi fisik di mana ada tingkat drop out 50%,
reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a 50-percent drop out rate,
di mana orang berkata saya jangan kembali, juga.
where people will say I shouldn't come back, either.
di mana tubuh menyerang dirinya sendiri
where the body attacks itself
Dan kemudian -- inilah di mana kita kembali ke lagu --
And then -- okay, this is where we get to the song --
di mana kita semua
that each one of us
di mana sambil berbaring, ia berkata,
where he's lying there and he says,
di mana saya ingin mencoba melayani kesatuan ini,
that I want to try and serve that unity,
karena mengemudikan mobil di negara di mana
for driving a car in a country
di mana wanita tak mengemudi."
where women don't drive."
Saya melihat, mendengar, dan merasakan kata ini di mana-mana.
I see this word, hear this word, feel this word everywhere.
dan dia akan mengajarkan orang-orang di mana pun dia pergi,
and she would teach people, everywhere she went,
memiliki konsekuensi di mana-mana.
has consequences everywhere.
dan saya tidak tahu di mana saya berada.
and I had no idea where I was.
tingkat di mana perempuan, misalnya, dikasari,
the degree to which women, for example, are violated,
kita sedang berbicara tentang tempat di mana kita berasal, pengasuhan.
we're talking about the place where we come from, we're talking about parenting.
di mana jutaan orang
where millions of men
di mana banyak sekali
where there are lots and lots
Kita hidup di jaman di mana segala jenis
We live in a time where there are all kinds
Masalahnya adalah mereka tidak tahu di mana lokasi pelontar Scud.
The issue was they didn't know where the Scud launchers were.
di mana sering terjadi hujan.
when it's raining a lot.
400 meter jalan A58, di mana kita harus membuat
400 meters of the A58, where we had to make
Jadi itulah yang kami lakukan. Anda lihat di mana kami melakukan pengujian terhadap jalan
So that's what we did here. You see where we were making the test road,
Saya benar-benar rindu jaman itu, di mana Anda bisa
I really miss that era, you know, where you could
Dan tiba-tiba saja, Anda mendapat hubungan di mana Anda mengatakan
And so suddenly, you get this link where you say
tidak ada yang tahu di mana dia.
nobody knows where he is.
di mana pembangkang
where dissidents
Kabut ini ada di mana-mana, benar-benar global menyelubungi Titan.
This haze is ubiquitous. It's completely global and enveloping Titan.
Di mana mereka? Dan ini bahkan tambah membingungkan ketika kami menemukan bukit-bukit pasir.
Where were they? It got even more puzzling when we found dunes.
dan sebuah dunia mempesona di mana satu-satunya saingan di dalam sistem tata surya ini
and is a fascinating world whose only rival in the solar system
di mana kami menemukan sistem retakan-retakan ini.
where we found this system of fractures.
sebuah gambar di mana tidak ada mata manusia pernah melihat sebelumnya.
a picture that no human eye has ever seen before.
di mana hanya terdapat sedikit bagian yang berbeda --
where there's a fairly small number of different parts --
di mana dia berfungsi sebagai penghambat.
and the one that is inhibitory.
di mana salah satu sisi kotak kecil ini,
where one side of this little box,
di mana sebuah nada diakhiri dengan kejutan singkat.
where a tone ends with a brief shock.
daerah di mana kita dapat menggunakan ingatan untuk mengatasi emosi tidak mengenakkan.
a region where we can use cognition to try to overcome aversive emotional states.
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