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insisted onmendesak


So the traditions also insisted -- and this is an important point, I think --
Dan ajaran agama juga menegaskan -- menurut saya ini penting --
he insisted that his daughter, my mom,
yang bersikeras bahwa putrinya, ibu saya
and as Carl Sagan insisted for many years,
dan Carl Sagan bersikeras selama bertahun-tahun
with electronic equipment, but I insisted
di paspor Inggris. Namun saya bersikeras
And he insisted on beautiful music.
Dia bersikeras pada musik yang indah.
begged, insisted, demanded
memohon, bersikeras, menuntut
when we insisted that they use CAD systems.
saat kami menuntut mereka menggunakan sistem CAD.
"We will still see each other," I insisted.
"Kita masih akan terus bertemu," kata saya.
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