cermat | |||
cermat sekali | persnickety |
begotten, careful, carefully, close, closely, death, dominion, exult, frugal, gripped, insightful, introduction, means, meticulous, meticulously, only, painstaking, punctilious, quake, rigorous, scrupulous, scrupulously, scrutinizing, taken, way |
Contohyaitu mungkin molekul itu, bila dapat dikendalikan dengan cermat, which is that maybe these molecules, if you can do ultra-precise control,
Dia dengan cermat dan seksama mencatat hasil pengamatannya He very carefully and meticulously notes his results
Sebenarnya Linus tidak melihatnya dengan cermat. Actually, Linus didn't look at them that carefully.
di bawah pengamatan cermat si pembuat roti. under the watchful gaze of the baker.
Studi yang panjang dan cermat telah menghasilkan banyak temuan tentang mereka. Long and careful studies have reported many new findings on them.
Pergerakan tangan yang cermat diperlukan Subtle maneuvering of the hands is required
Lihat dengan cermat daerah di timur Samudera Pasifik, Look carefully at the area of the eastern Pacific,
Karena para investor dan penyedia dana ventura yang cermat Because diligent investors and venture funds
Saya telah mampu, melalui penemuan yang cermat, untuk I have been able, through careful invention, to
pengujian cermat dan ilmiah rigorous, scientific tests
yang dengan cermat mencoba meniru ekosistem alam. that have deliberately tried to mimic ecosystems.