Indonesian to English
cukup umur become of age
cukup umur
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by Xamux Translate


  1. balig
    (akil balig, bulug, dewasa, remaja, sampai umur, sempurna akal)
  2. bulug
  3. cukup akal
  4. dewasa
  5. matang
  6. remaja
cukupenough, sufficient, adequate, exactly, well to do, complete, quite, rather
umurage, lifespan, at the age of

Related Word(s)

aku sudah cukup umur untuk
are sufficiently large for
anak yang sudah cukup umur
a kid old enough
cukup umur dan sempurna akalnya
reached full manhood and maturity
dan setelah musa cukup umur
and when he was full
yang sudah cukup umur mengemudi
old enough to drive
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