kero | squinting |
kero | |||
kerob | false, deceptive, crooked, confusing, hazy, unclear |
kerobak | 1 with holes. 2 with a large rip (of a sail, flag, etc.). 3 scarred, pockmarked. |
kerobek | see ROBEK. |
kerobohan | collapse, ruins |
kerocetan | disorder, confusion. |
kerocok | rattling noise, sound of liquid being shaken in a bottle, or of light objects falling rapidly. |
kerodong | see KERUDUNG. |
keroh | 1 false, deceptive, crooked. 2 confusing, hazy, unclear. |
kerohanian | spirituality |
kerok | currycomb |
kerolok | sound of gurgling. |
keromok | see KERUMUK 1. |
keromong | (Sunda) set of kettle gongs suspended horizontally in a row. |
keron | crown |
keroncong | sound of jingling, a type of popular Indonesian music - |
keroncor | male horseshoe crab. |
kerong | /kerong-kerang/ sound of a heavy object being shaken in a tin can. |
kerong-kerong | k.o. small sea perch. |
kerongkongan | throat, gullet, esophagus, pharinx |
kerongkongan/perut binatang | maw |
squinting | |
adjective satellite |
having eyes half closed in order to see better
memiliki mata setengah tertutup dalam rangka untuk melihat lebih baik
ada dalam kerongkongan mereka dan be in their throats and
adalah tanah kering kerontang yang is the dead earth which
anting anting dan kerongsang untuk earrings neck ornaments to
asisten koeman jose mari bakero koeman assistants jose mari bakero
atau berkisi kisi atau keropos or latticed or porous
atau kerohiman gubernur yang diberikan from governor which is granted
atau keropeng seperti sebuah hal or scab as a subcrustaceous
atau keropeng yang memisahkan dari or scab which separates from
berkeropeng maka berarti remeh merepotkan scabby hence mean paltry troublesome
cipinangbesar selatan pemberian uang kerohiman cipinangbesar selatan compensation money
dan kerongkongan dan sakit kepala and throat and headache
dan kerongkongan dengan obat kumur and throat with mouthwash
dengan ketombe atau koreng berkeropeng with scurf or scabs scabby
dengan pustula yang membentuk keropeng with pustules that form scabs
dikerok dari ranting dan dikeringkan scraped off twigs and dried