lin | 1. line, route. 2. line, edge, boundary line (of sports field, etc.). |
lin | |||
lin telegrap | telegraph-line |
lin telepon | telephone-line |
lina | /linen/ see LINEN. |
linang | trickle, drop |
lincah | energetic, lively |
lincak | (Java) low bamboo bench for sitting or sleeping. |
lincam | 1 flash by quickly (lightning, , emotions). 2 sudden stab. |
lincip | pointed (of a pencil). |
lincir | slick, smooth, slippery |
lindak | boil over. |
lindang | finished, over. |
lindap | (M) 1 shade. 2 poor (of visibility), overcast. 3 obscure (of a question). |
lindas | /lindes/ 1 knock down, run over. 2 crush (pepper, etc.). |
linde (bahan sabun) | lye |
lindeck | lindeck |
lindeman | lindemann |
lindi | 1 lye. 2 (Chem.) alkali. |
lindi-alkali | caustic lye |
lindih | /lindis/ 1 crush s.t. 2 level, smooth s.t. 3 crush, put down (a rebellion, etc). |
lindu | (Java) earthquake. |
line | |
noun |
a formation of people or things one beside another
pembentukan orang atau hal-hal yang satu di samping yang lain
Contohseperti Bil'in, Ni'lin, like Bil'in, Ni'lin,
Dengan kata lin, alat untuk mengeluarkan sel kelaminnya In other words, the equipment to put them out to stud
abad ketujuh belas oleh molinos the seventeenth century by molinos
abad sebelum kita untuk melindungi centuries before us to protect
abadi bulat herbal yang paling perennial bulbous herbs most of
abadi memiliki daun silinder berongga perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves
absen online itu terhubung langsung online absent is directly connected
abu abu hijau berlapis lilin grey green wax coated
abu abu telinga yang berbulu grey furry ears
abu abu yang paling umum most common grey
acadica miskin dari jumbai telinga acadica destitute of ear tufts
acara itu menteri lingkungan hidup the event were environment minister
acuh tak acuh paling korosif indifferent to most corrosive
ada adalah landhuis cilincing dibangun were landhuis cilincing built
ada baginya pelindung dan tidak has no protector and no
ada banyak untuk pergi berkeliling there plenty to go around
ada beberapa bangunan polindes juga several polindes buildings have