Indonesian to English
mengelilingi surround, travel around, circle, go around
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  1. melanglang
    (berpatroli, bersambang, mengakap, meronda, berjalan berhanyut-hanyut, bertualang, melabang, mengelana, mengembara, menggelandang, menjajah, menjelajah, merantau, merapah, merodong)
  2. melegan
  3. melingkari
  4. melingkungi
  5. memagari
  6. membeliti
  7. membentangi
  8. mencagari
  9. memutari
  10. menandangi
  11. mengandangi
  12. mengedari
  13. mengembara
  14. mengerumuni
  15. mengitari
  16. menjelajahi
  17. mengerubungi
  18. mengerubuti
  19. menggerompok
  20. mengurung
  21. mengepung
mengelilingi berkelilingmade a circuit of

Related Word(s)

about, around, begird, beset, besieges, circled, circles, circling, circumjacent, circumnavigated, circumnavigating, compassed, encircle, encircles, encircling, encompass, encompasser, encompasses, engulf, hem, ringed, round, saw, surround, surrounded


seperti planet mengelilingi matahari.
like planets around the Sun.
Anda mungkin tidak tahu. Ibarat mengendarai mobil mengelilingi dunia enam kali.
You probably had no idea. It's like driving around the world six times.
Dia mengelilingi ruangan,
And so he goes around the room,
saat mereka selesai mengelilingi sebuah kota kecil.
where they drive around a small town.
yang mengelilingi seluruh LHC,
going all the way around the LHC,
yang sangat luar biasa, mengelilingi otak manusia.
which is incredible, around a human brain.
yang mengelilingi Monumen Washington,
surrounding the Washington Monument,
terlihat lingkaran tak beraturan yang mengelilingi,
you have this irregular ring around it,
Kami memiliki jalan yang mengelilingi area itu,
We have this road going around the area,
dari satelit tersebut mengelilingi Bumi,
of this satellite around the Earth,
dan kami akan duduk mengelilingi meja itu setiap malam.
and we'd sit around that table every night.
seketika mengelilingi pria tersebut.
immediately ringed the same guy.
tiga kali mengelilingi dunia.
three times around the world.
hanya berjalan mengelilingi orang tuanya
simply walked around his parents
"Kau mengelilingi 'dunia.'
"You went around 'the world.'
saya mengelilingi 'duniaku.'"
I went around 'my world.'"
Yang kedua, kita memiliki laboratorium alami mengelilingi bumi.
Secondly, we have a natural laboratory surrounding the Earth.
Sebagian besar mengorbit mengelilingi sesuatu.
Most of them should be in orbit around something.
Kami pergi sekali lagi mengelilingi peternakan,
We went back out for the final tour of the farm,
saya ingin terbang mengelilingi tata surya
I always wanted to just fly around the solar system
mengelilingi Laut Cina Selatan, Laut Cina Timur
around the South China Sea, the East China Sea
Sudah pasti Anda harus menarik perbatasan mengelilingi Bumi.
Well, of course you have to draw the boundary around the whole of the Earth.
Mereka mengelilingi galaksi dalam lingkaran seperti ini.
So we have these stars going around in circles like this.
bahwa dalam galaksi, kecepatan bintang mengelilingi galaksi
is that galaxies, the speed with which stars orbiting galaxies
yang selalu mengelilingi kita.
that is constantly surrounding us.
Partikel ini mengelilingi kita sepanjang waktu,
It surrounds us all the time,
mengelilingi Thunderhill Raceway Park di tengah terik matahari,
gone around Thunderhill Raceway Park in the sun,
seperti sabuk permata mengelilingi bagian tengah dari planet ini.
a jeweled belt around the middle of the planet.
Hari itu juga, saya berkendara mengelilingi tempat itu dengan Miguel,
Later that day, I was driving around this property with Miguel,
Kedua, Anda dapat mengelilingi jagat raya dengan dipandu para astronom.
Second: you can tour the universe with astronomers as your guides.
Ternyata saat Anda menambah mobilitas -- dapat berjalan mengelilingi meja --
It turns out, when you add mobility -- the ability to roll around the table --
Kini, jika itu benar, akan ada truk yang mengelilingi negara ini
Now, if that was true, we'd have trucks going round the country,
? Tiap bangsa, mengelilingi kami ?
? Every nation, all around us ?
Betul kan? Bayangkan bumi yang kecil, mengelilingi matahari
Right? Picture a little Earth, circling around the sun.
mengelilingi jalan-jalan Skid Row,
wandering the streets of Skid Row,
bahwa, dengan mengelilingi diri kita
that, by surrounding ourselves
yaitu mengelilingi diri kita
which are to surround ourselves
seperti halnya Bumi, atau Bulan yang mengelilingi Bumi.
as the Earth is, or the Moon around the Earth.
dan kita melihat Bumi berputar mengelilingi lubang hitam itu dengan sangat baik.
and we notice it's perfectly fine orbiting around the black hole.
mereka saling berputar mengelilingi diri masing-masing dalam kecepatan hampir setara cahaya.
they're going around each other very near the speed of light.
mengelilingi seseorang.
get him to circle a person.
Saya berjalan mengelilingi panggung, saya tidak mengendalikan kaki saya.
I'm walking around the stage -- I'm not attending to the control of my legs.
langit malam yang mengelilingi kita
of the night sky that surrounds us
adalah dinding yang mengelilingi jaringan busa
was that the wall surrounded these spongy tissues,
Elektron -- sesuatu yang mengelilingi
The electron -- the thing that goes around
dan melalui cairan ketuban yang mengelilingi janin,
and through the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus,
Sudah jelas, Bumi berputar saat mengelilingi matahari
The Earth spins, of course, as it travels around the sun,
yang mengelilingi Bumi.
that encircles the Earth.
berputar mengelilingi mereka dan membuat kehidupan mereka menyedihkan.
and run around and make their life kind of miserable.
Dia mengelilingi Eropa, selama Perang Dunia II,
He went through Europe, through World War II,
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