English to Indonesian
go around berkeliling
go around to various people to persuade them to do s.t.lobiing
go around
please wait
by Xamux Translate


go around for a soiree and see a mechanical computer
datang ke pertemuan dan melihat komputer mekanis
to go around and travel
untuk bepergian
decided to go around
memutuskan untuk berkeliling
And these girls who go around teaching about safe sex and HIV
Dan para wanita yang berkeliling mengajarakan seks yang aman dan HIV
to go around and do this sort of thing,
berkeliling dan melakukan hal hal seperti ini,
For everybody else, we go around like we've been having sex since we were two.
Bagi orang lain, kami berbuat seolah-olah telah berhubungan seks sejak usia dua tahun.
And the interesting thing, when you go around here in the photo panorama,
Dan hal yang menarik, ketika anda berkeliling dalam foto panorama,
we can go around such surveillance,
kita semua bisa menghindari pengawasan seperti itu,
So I started to go around the world
Jadi saya mulai berkeliling dunia
You've just got to go around the block
Anda hanya perlu berkeliling sebentar
And then the last section was going to go around the rail yards,
Lalu bagian terakhir akan melalui depot rel kereta
And that job is that they go around and pick up syringes
Mereka pergi berkeliling, mengumpulkan jarum suntik
I go around the world to speak,
saya pergi keliling dunia untuk berbicara,
So they go around and do art installations like this.
Jadi mereka berkeliling dan melakukan instalasi karya seni seperti ini.
to go around.
untuk memenuhi permintaan.
They go around looking for what it is.
mereka berkeliling mencari ...
To go around saying that I believe
Untuk berkata bahwa, saya percaya
Right? At that speed, they go around
Benar? Pada kecepatan tersebut, proton mengitari
So how do you actually go around finding online criminals?
Jadi bagaimana kita menemukan kriminal daring ini ?
your kids go around and turn the lights off pretty quickly.
anak Anda melihatnya dan mematikan lampu dengan segera.
go around immunization.
terbentuk mengenai imunisasi.
And I go around opening box after box until I've got 15 pies.
Saya terus membuka kotak demi kotak, sampai saya dapat 15 kue.
because all that determines how they go around
karena yang menentukan bagaimana mereka berputar
the sun takes 200 million years to go around the center of the galaxy.
Matahari perlu 200 juta tahun untuk mengelilingi pusat galaksi.
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