Indonesian to English
pemilihan umum general election
pemilihan umum mendadakby-election
pemilihan umum
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by Xamux Translate

Related Word(s)

election, elections, electoral, polls, voting


kita memberikan suara dalam pemilihan umum pada saat ini;
we go to the polls and vote in the present tense.
pada waktu pemilihan umum.
at the time of the elections.
namun demokrasi bukan sekedar pemilihan umum,
but that democracy is not just about voting;
pemilihan umum dan parlemen dan hukum konstitusi dan sejenisnya.
universal voting and parliament and constitution and so forth.
Komisi pemilihan umum mengumumkan,
The electoral commissioner declared,
benar-benar diam, terutama saat pemilihan umum.
are completely silenced, especially during election time.
yaitu pemilihan umum
which is our elections.
Seperti yang Anda tahu, pemilihan umum di Kanada benar-benar lelucon.
As you may have noticed, our elections in Canada are a complete joke.
Kita dapat memperbarui sistem pemilihan umum kita.
We can reform our electoral systems.
sekadar pemilihan umum.
than just elections.
Tanpa kebebasan berpendapat, pemilihan umum tidak akan bebas dan adil.
But without freedom of speech, you can't have free and fair elections.
Tahun 1950, Turki mengadakan pemilihan umum pertama yang bebas dan adil,
In 1950, Turkey had the first free and fair elections,
dari data-data yang dikeluarkan mengenai pemilihan umum Afganistan.
of the data which was released about the Afghan elections.
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