Indonesian to English
seantero the whole, the entire. seantero-nya everything, entirely.
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seanteronyaeverything, entirely

Related Word(s)

around, carrying


Kami memiliki empat pabrik. Kami sedang membuat benda ini di seantero negeri.
We've got four plants. We're building this stuff around the country.
Di semua taman kanak-kanak di seantero Chicago,
All over Chicago in every kindergarten class in the city,
pada orang seantero dunia
to millions of people around the world
telah menimbulkan banyak kontroversi di seantero negeri ini.
was raising a lot of dust around this country.
["4000 wajah seantero Amerika"]
["4,000 faces across America"]
yang mungkin, anda tahu, pagar itu juga bisa sangat murah dan bisa diterapkan di seantero Afrika dalam waktu singkat --
which are so cheap they could be all over Africa in no time --
Menyebabkan kelumpuhan di seantero daerah.
Cause crippling throughout the world.
berpentas di seantero dunia,
performed across the globe,
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