seperti di | as in |
seperti di rumah sendiri, menyenangkan | homelike |
seperti di desa, kasar | rustic |
seperti di | |||
as, including, like, on, such |
ContohKita ingin hidup seperti di Lake Wobegon, We want to live in Lake Wobegon
Seperti di sini, ada Mr. Dimitry Golubov Like here, we have Mr. Dimitry Golubov
dan mungkin kita dapat melihat ..." seperti di Wikipedia. and maybe we can see ... like on Wikipedia." (Laughter)
namun dalam konteks masyarakat seperti di Afganistan, but in the context of a society like in Afghanistan,
Seperti di sini di Samboja Lestari, Like here, in Samboja Lestari,
seperti di negara ini sekarang. this country is living in right now.
seperti di tepian sungai Indus. like on the banks of the Indus.
Saya meletakkannya seperti di dalam buku. I just put them down like they were in the books.
dimana mereka mungkin berujung seperti di situasi yang dihadapi Frankie where they'll probably end up in Frankie's situation
seperti di Acumen dan tempat lainnya. as it has at Acumen and other places.
dan anda mungkin tidak memiliki tugas yang sama seperti di bagian-bagian berbeda di dalam siklus tersebut. and you have not the same duty in the different parts of the cycle.
Kita punya informasi seperti di mana buku itu diterbitkan, We have information about things like where was it published,
Dan dalam proyek lainnya, seperti di Paris, And for other projects, like in Paris,
yang tangguh dan banyak tersedia seperti di bagian atas? plentiful stem cells on the top?
seperti di pedesaan Guizhou di Cina, as in rural Guizhou in China,
Bahasa formal yang menggunakan kalimat-kalimat panjang seperti di karya Gibbon. It's formal. It uses long sentences like this Gibbon one.
dan tidak sulit seperti di kehidupan nyata, and not difficult like in the real world,
Jadi dalam kasus itu -- seperti di sini, ada aplikasi yang lebih besar daripada layar telepon -- So in that case -- like here, there's an app that's bigger than the phone's screen --
seperti di Texas, seperti ini. like in Texas, like this.
dan tinggal di bawah air, seperti di lepas pantai Florida Keys ini and lived in underwater habitats, like this one off the Florida Keys,
Seperti di Dubai Mall, Like in the Dubai Mall,
yang dapat melakukan, sedikit banyak, seperti di Inggris, that could do, in a sense, what Britain did:
sama seperti di Kolumbia -- 2,4. is like in Colombia -- it's 2.4 today.
ini hampir sama indahnya seperti di game. this is almost as beautiful as my games are.
untuk orang-orang yang berani mengirimkan putri mereka ke sekolah seperti di Balkh? of the people who dare to send their daughters to school as in Balkh?
Jadi mereka bisa menggunakan skenario seperti di tahun 1984 terhadap pada pemrotes. So they can use the 1984 scenario data mining of the dissident.
seperti di Wall Street dan kota London dan di manapun, much like on Wall Street and the city of London and elsewhere,
Nah, sekali Anda sudah punya ide seperti itu yang seperti di bawah kulit Anda Well, once you've had an idea like that it kind of gets under your skin
Seperti di DVD, Anda dapat membacanya dengan mata. And much like in the DVD, you can read it out optically.
seperti di Amazon barat dan Amazon Andes, like the western Amazon and the Andes Amazon corridor,
seperti di negara Uni Eropa, within the E.U.,
seperti di Jerman, Hermes, dan sebagainya -- like in Germany, Hermes, and so on --
seperti di alam semesta menurut Aristoteles dan Newton. as there was in the Aristotelian and the Newtonian universe.
AS: Apa yang terjadi dalam adegan ini, dan sama seperti di bukunya AS: What this scene is doing, and it did in the book,
Dan dimana tidak, seperti di Greenland dalam musim dingin, And where it doesn't, as in Greenland in winter,
atau seperti di New York ini dengan High Line-nya, or like right here in New York with the High Line,
seperti di Chandigarh, India seperti yang ditunjukkan di sini, like here in Chandigarh, India,
seperti di sini, di mana orang-orang like here, where you have the people
seperti di New York like here in New York
khususnya di sekolah berkualitas rendah seperti di Bertie County, particularly in an under-performing school like Bertie County,
terhubung dengan kabel seperti di rumah Anda. is hardwired like your house.
Tidak seperti di Israel misalnya, dimana penonton batuk setiap waktu. Unlike, for example Israel, where audiences cough all the time.
Ini seperti di rollercoaster. Ya? It's like being on a rollercoaster. Yeah?
Mengapa konflik seperti di Irak memiliki hal ini Why should a conflict like Iraq have this
Bagaimana cara kita mengakhiri perang seperti di Irak? How do we end a war like Iraq?
"Apakah Anda ingin melihat situasi seperti di Irak? "Would you like to see the situation of Iraq?
seperti di film "The Shawshank Redemption". "The Shawshank Redemption" types.
bekerja dengan data-data umum, seperti di halaman ini, working both with this kind of public data, like on the website,
Bila Anda pergi makan malam, seperti di restoran ikan, If you go out for dinner, like in a fish restaurant,
Hampir terasa seperti di dalam mesin cuci. A bit like being in a washing machine.