Indonesian to English
terlanjur too late
by Microsoft Translator
It's done.
by Xamux Translate


  1. bablas
    (kadung, kebacut, teranjur, terlancap, terlanjur, terlantas, tersorong, amblas, gaib, hanyut, hilang, hirap, lelap, lenyap, lucut, menggelap, menguap, musnah, pupus, sirna, terbang)
  2. kadung
  3. kebacut
  4. salah dorong
  5. teranjur
  6. terlancap
  7. terlantas
  8. terlonsong
  9. tersorong
terlanjur-lanjurtoo far, continuous

Related Word(s)

already, call, nursed, transgress


tetap tidak: tak ada kerangka dodo untuk saya. Tapi saya terlanjur basah.
No dice: no dodo skeleton for me. But the damage had been done.
ini udah terlanjur terlambat jamal
it is too late jamal
karena mereka sudah terlanjur membeli
because they already purchased
sebelum sifat diri seseorang terlanjur
before character is permanently
sophie telah terlanjur keluar dari
sophie had already stepped from
terlanjur keluar dari kegelapan dan
stepped from the shadows and
warga yang terlanjur marah mengurung
the angry residents then
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