English to Indonesian
too late sudah terlambat
too late (in the afternoon).kesorean
too late
please wait
by Xamux Translate


until it's too late.
sampai hal itu terlambat.
She was rushed to hospital, but it was too late. She died.
Wang Yue dilarikan ke rumah sakit, tetapi sudah terlambat. Dan dia meninggal.
is far too few people, and way too late in life.
itu terlalu sedikit dan terlalu terlambat.
that we don't know they're really in trouble until it's almost too late.
sehingga kita tidak tahu ekosistem itu dalam masalah, hingga hampir terlambat.
they're likely to tell you, "Eight o'clock is too late for me,
Mereka kemungkinan akan berkata, "Jam delapan terlalu terlambat bagi saya,
to detect the disease before it's too late.
unutk mendeteksi penyakit ini sebelum terlambat.
for the early biomarkers of the disease before it's too late.
tanda biologis dari penyakit ini sebelum terlambat.
Occasionally we sense something wrong or too late.
Terkadang kita terlambat mengetahui ada yang salah.
it is way too late to use the data.
sudah sangat terlambat untuk menggunakan data itu.
and that might be too late.
dan itu mungkin terlambat.
We were too late into the summer; the ice was starting to melt;
Kami sudah terlambat, esnya sudah mulai meleleh karena musim panas,
to a new game. You've been up too late playing a game.
permainan baru. Anda bangun hingga larut untuk bermain.
and eventually it gets too late.
dan akhirnya sampai terlalu telat.
a bad thing. If you're not sure that's a predator, it's too late.
ketidakpastian itu buruk. Ketika Anda tidak yakin itu seekor pemangsa, saat itu sudah terlambat.
But too late.
Namun sudah terlambat.
too late for their scores to be counted.
hingga skor mereka tidak terhitung.
before it's too late.
sebelum terlambat.
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