English to Indonesian
episode kisah, peristiwa
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a happening that is distinctive in a series of related events
sebuah peristiwa yang khas dalam serangkaian peristiwa yang terkait
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

episode yang


In pretty much every episode of this cartoon,
Hampir pada setiap episode kartun ini,
that every single episode of our show
bahwa dalam setiap episode acara kami
I had my breakthrough manic episode
saya mengalami episode kegilaan tertinggi
was the struggle of the manic episode,
adalah perjuangan episode kegilaan,
Suddenly, I had an episode of catastrophic bleeding.
Tiba-tiba, terjadi pendarahan hebat.
it's a maquette for "Star Wars, Episode Two" --
ini model untuk Star Wars, Episode Two --
is that we've done a 26-episode animated series,
adalah membuat 26 episode serial animasi,
in this episode.
dalam kejadian itu.
Then after every episode, I had to go up to the bathtub
Setelah selesai, saya akan pergi ke bak mandi
It was like a Star Trek episode, you know?
Seperti sebuah episode film Star Trek, Anda tahu?
with one episode from that sequence of events
dengan satu episode dari rangkaian peristiwa tersebut
However, this episode reveals
Tetapi, kasus ini menunjukkan
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