English to Indonesian
go together cocok, serasi
go together
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we have to design so they can go together.
kami harus mampu merancangnya agar mereka dapat berpadu.
if you want to go far, go together." We have to go far, quickly.
bila kamu mau pergi jauh, pergilah bersama-sama." Kita harus pergi jauh,cepat-cepat.
and so, again, authenticity and science could go together
dan, lagi-lagi keaslian dan ilmu pengetahuan dapat bekerja sama
If you want to go far, go together."
Jika tujuan kalian jauh, pergilah bersama-sama."
to really believe that disability and sports can go together
untuk benar-benar yakin bahwa kelumpuhan dan olahraga dapat bersama
four subjects that obviously go together:
empat hal yang sudah jelas berhubungan:
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