English to Indonesian
watch out berhati-hati
watch out
please wait
by Xamux Translate


because now you have to watch out all the time.
karena sekarang, Anda harus berhati-hati setiap saat.
"Watch out, a car,"
"Hati-hati, ada mobil,"
But watch out here. This is merely correlational data, not causal,
Tapi hati-hati. Ini data korelasional, bukan sebab-akibat,
motorcyclist, watch out."
pengendara motor, awas."
Now watch out, stay away from them now.
Sekarang hati-hati, menjauh dari mereka sekarang.
"Watch out for a high fever."
hati-hati dengan demam tinggi?
Joker: Presenting my pogo stick.MT: Ah. Watch out.
Joker: Menunjukkan tongkat pogo. MT: Ah, awas.
and so, watch out.
jadi, lihat saja.
But watch out --
Tapi hati-hati.
But then, in the '80s, watch out here.
Namun, ketika sampai ke tahun '80an, lihat di sini.
telling everybody the cops were coming, watch out, the cops were coming.
dan berkata bahwa polisi datang, awas, polisi datang.
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