juga disebut | also called |
juga disebut | |||
juga | also, too, even if, no matter what, rather, anyway |
disebut | be said to be |
ContohKadang juga disebut perdagangan algo, And it's also sometimes called algo trading,
golongan yang juga disebut golongan elit politik? the so-called political elite?
yang juga disebut PH. also known as PH.
Atau bisa juga disebut "sekolah campuran." (Tawa) that is co-ed. (Laughter)
acerina vulgaris juga disebut paus acerina vulgaris called also pope
air juga disebut bouget air water also called water bouget
air tawar spesies juga disebut fresh water species also called
akar esculent tuberous juga disebut tuberous esculent root also called
alba juga disebut perak birch alba also called silver birch
alumina juga disebut bulu tawas alumina also called feather alum
amelanchier juga disebut layanan berry amelanchier also called service berry
apotek juga disebut lalat spanyol apothecary also called spanish fly
asam sulphocyanic juga disebut tiosianat sulphocyanic acid also called thiocyanate
asia juga disebut tanaman kelapa asiatic also called oil plant
atau cokelat warna juga disebut or brown color also called
atau galah juga disebut kepala or gaff also called head
atau interpretasi juga disebut penafsir or interpretation also called exegete
bagi manusia juga disebut kepik to man also called ladybirds
bagian kerja juga disebut standar working parts also called standard