collide with | berantuk-antukan |
collide with | berlanggaran |
collide with | bersiantukan |
collide with, failed | kebentur |
collide with, run into, break | melanggar |
collide with repeatedly, keep violating | melanggari |
collide with | |||
collide | beradu, bertubrukan, bertentangan |
with | dengan, karena, walaupun, melawan |
Example(s)the path of asteroids that might collide with us, jalur asteroid yang bisa hancur berkeping-keping bersama kita,
the light produced when they collide with the mesh. cahaya yang dihasilkan saat mereka berbenturan dengan layar.
collide with atomic particles but berbenturan dengan partikel atom tetapi
produced when they collide with dihasilkan saat mereka berbenturan dengan