English to Indonesian
as much as sebanyak . seperti
as much as (one) is able.semampu
as much as
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by Xamux Translate


Who loves the wedding almost as much as the bride?
Siapa yang menyukai pernikahan hampir sebesar pengantin wanita?
twice as much as we did, right now, than in 1970, on the developing world.
dua kali lipat dari yang sekarang, dibanding pada 1970, untuk dunia berkembang.
don't fly as much as we'd like to:
tidak terbang sebanyak yang kita inginkan:
and our own ability to understand as much as we do.
dan kemampuan kita untuk memahaminya sejauh itu.
as much as twice as much.
hingga dua kali lebih besar.
that has suffered as much as any on Earth in the last 15 years,
yang telah sangat menderita selama 15 tahun terakhir,
And they will start to use as much as the Old West are doing already.
Dan mereka akan mulai mengkonsumsi energi sebanyak Barat Tua.
brighten by a factor of as much as 20. Doesn't last for very long.
menjadi lebih terang 20 kali lipat. Tidak terlalu lama.
We need to expand antiretroviral treatment as much as we can.
kita perlu memperbanyak pengobatan retroviral semampu kita.
And then re-crafting your life to use them as much as you possibly can.
Dan kemudian membentuk kembali kehidupan Anda untuk bisa menggunakannya sebanyak mungkin.
and re-craft work to use them as much as possible.
dan membentuk kembali pekerjaannya dengan menggunakannya sebanyak mungkin.
as much as 90 percent.
hingga 90 persen.
energy use in a building can drop as much as 90 percent.
penggunaan energi pada sebuah gedung dapat berkurang hingga 90 persen.
spends as much as 50 percent of their play time
menghabiskan sebanyak 50 persen dari waktu bermain mereka
is to reverse the waterfall as much as possible.
adalah untuk membalik <em>waterfall</em> sebanyak mungkin.
because again, as much as we're talking about women and heart disease,
karena, kembali, saat kita berbicara tentang wanita dan penyakit jantung,
as much as we like to think of ourselves as masters of the universe,
walau kita suka merasa diri kita sebagai penguasa alam semesta,
maybe as much as 90 percent.
atau mungkin sebanyak 90%.
as much as the anger part of it.
sebanyak mengingat bagian kemarahannya.
We stopped irrigating our soil, as much as we could.
Kami berhenti mengairi tanah sebisa mungkin.
as much as I drive in a year,
jika saya mengemudi selama setahun,
So, we create silence as much as we create sound.
Jadi, kami membuat baik kesunyian maupun suara.
as much as it liberates it.
sama besarnya seperti ia membebaskan masyarakat
as much as you want, and then work on figuring out
sebanyak yang Anda mau, lalu mencari tahu
and that seems to be about as much as they can do.
dan tampaknya itulah waktu terlama yang dapat mereka habiskan untuk makan.
from a precious metal costing as much as silver
dari logam mulia mahal seharga perak
we don't understand as much as we think we do.
mungkin kita tidak mengerti sebanyak yang kita kira.
just as much as it is important to remember the [good] days.
sama seperti Anda mengingat hari-hari baik.
as much as possible as the way that I saw it with my own eyes.
sama seperti apa yang saya lihat dengan mata saya.
from as much as 300 feet away by a predator.
dari kejauhan 300 kaki oleh si predator.
but we tried to cover as much as we could.
namun kami mencoba untuk menyelesaikannya semampu kami.
are as much as 3,000 years old,
telah berusia 3.000 tahun,
as much as, I believe, fossil fuels,
sebagaimana halnya bahan bakar fosil,
as much as all the cars in the world.
sama banyaknya dengan jumlah seluruh mobil di dunia.
But a real one would cost about as much as my house,
Namun harga astrolab yang asli akan setara dengan rumah saya,
as much as the successful prevention
sama seperti suksesnya pencegahan
just as much as love.
sama halnya seperti cinta.
and avoid that they get married and suffer as much as I did,
dan mencegah mereka dinikahkan dan menderita seperti yang saya rasakan
just a part of life, and as much as I hate,
hanya bagian dari hidup, dan sebenci-bencinya saya,
as much as I hate some of the places,
sebenci-bencinya saya pada beberapa tempat,
as much as it needs all the others
sebesar ia membutuhkan lainnya
And so the shield law, as much as we want it --
Jadi balik ke hukum perlindungan tadi, meski kita menginginkannya --
So as much as we want the shield laws,
Jadi meski kita menginginkan hukum perlindungan,
and how they could be automated as much as possible.
dan bagaimana mereka dapat diotomatisasikan sebanyak mungkin.
and they don't always do their laundry as much as they should.
dan mereka tidak punya banyak waktu untuk mencuci pakaian.
And I practiced my walking as much as I could,
Dan saya berlatih berjalan sebisa mungkin
But as much as the small stuff stinks, we needed somewhere to start,
Tapi betapapun menyebalkan hal-hal kecil, kita perlu tempat untuk memulai,
That burns calories just as much as going on the treadmill does.
Hal itu membakar kalori sama seperti treadmill.
It certainly doesn't cost as much as oil,
Sampah sudah pasti tidak semahal minyak bumi
but it's not as much as with wind and concentrated solar.
tetapi tidak sebanyak angin dan atau surya terkonsentrasi.
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