English to Indonesian
look over memeriksa dgn teliti
look over
please wait
by Xamux Translate


And we're sitting there, and I hear [clapping] from a distance, so I look over.
Kami duduk di sini, dan saya dengar [tepuk tangan] dari jauh, lalu saya menengok.
and look over the span of history,
dan melihat sepanjang sejarah
We have to look over generations to understand it.
Kita harus melihat rentang waktu satu generasi untuk dapat memahami hal ini.
And you'd kind of look over their shoulder on the Tube
anda berusaha megintip dr belakang
And if you look over here, with boots they climb onto the ball
Jika Anda lihat disini, dengan sepatu itu mereka memanjat bola kotoran
and as I come out of the water, I look over my shoulder.
dan ketika saya keluar dari air, saya melihat ke belakang.
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