English to Indonesian
that is to say yaitu; yakni
that is to say
please wait
by Xamux Translate


That is to say, if we attend to the other person,
Dalam pengertian, jika kita mengurus orang lain,
That is to say, if we can make the basic technology
Jadi,jika kita bisa membuat teknologi dasar
That is to say, they specialize with respect to reproduction.
Maksudnya, mereka yang mengkhususkan dirinya untuk reproduksi.
that is to say, if they're trees you could scramble up
dengan kata lain, jika pohon itu dapat dipanjat
That is to say, there might be something, on average,
Yaitu, mungkin secara rata-rata, ada sesuatu
That is to say, it creates people
Yakni, menciptakan orang-orang
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