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to be as menjadi seperti
to be as
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by Xamux Translate


if only implicitly -- and that's unlikely to be as good
Secara implisit -- dan itu jelas tidak sebaik
And the Balinese carpenters want to be as modern as we do,
Tukang-tukang kayu Bali ingin juga modern seperti kita,
you have to be as close as 10 inches from the person.
Anda harus berdiri sedekat 25 cm dari orang yang difoto.
We're trying to be as good as the breast cancer campaign.
Kita mencoba agar dapat menjadi sebagus kampanye kanker payudara.
We need to be as good as the breast cancer campaign
Kita harus dapat sebagus kampanye kanker payudara
that would eventually propel the video to be as popular as it would become.
yang akhirnya membuat video ini menjadi terkenal seperti itu.
You can see that for the prevalence to be as high as UNAIDS says,
Anda dapat melihat jika tingkat penyebarannya setinggi yang dilaporkan UNAIDS,
if innovation continues to be as powerful as it has been
jika inovasi terus sekuat seperti 150 tahun
I want to be as happy as I can for as long as I can.
Saya ingin menjadi sebahagia mungkin selama saya bisa.
It is about the future of the freedom to be as social beings with each other,
Ini mengenai masa depan dan kebebasan sebagai makhluk sosial dengan lainnya,
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