English to Indonesian
cut off menghentikan, memiisahkan, menyela, menghalangi, memu-
cut off pieces, amputate, reducemengerat
cut off or aut.terpapas
cut off
please wait
by Xamux Translate


that are systematically cut off.
yang terpotong secara sistematis.
they actually cut off the head and they cut off the feet
mereka benar-benar memotong kepala dan kakinya
and feels kind of cut off from them,
dan merasa agak jauh dari mereka,
Twenty years ago, doctors would have cut off my leg and hoped,
20 tahun lalu, para dokter pasti sudah memotong kaki saya dan berharap,
Sunlight was cut off, and fungi inherited the Earth.
Sinar matahari tertutup, dan jamur hidup di Bumi.
the Chinese were cut off from those advances.
Cina terputus dari perkembangan-perkembangan itu.
but Africa was sort of cut off.
tapi seperti terputus di Afrika.
that cut off food
yang memutuskan pasokan makanan
then her hand shall be cut off.
maka tangannya harus dipotong.
cut off three inches from the bottom,
memotong tiga inchi dari bawah,
with every cut off-of electricity,
setiap pemotongan aliran listrik,
cut off from the rest of the world
yang terisolir dari dunia luar
to basically cut off five of those retirement years
bila kita mengurangi 5 tahun masa pensiun
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